Chelsea Marie is a certified yoga teacher and sound bath practitioner who uses their knowledge of wellness along with their writing skills to connect and support others through their one-of-a-kind journey of self-discovery.
For as long as they have been able to hold a pen to paper, they have been using the written word as an act of self-study. Whether it be journaling for the self or public pieces to share with others, Chelsea believes writing to be the most influential form of communication and spiritual connection.
An avid reader of both fiction and nonfiction, an active member in their book club, and an eager reviewer on GoodReads, Chelsea loves receiving the offerings of authors from all genres and believes in the power of literature.
They received their bachelor’s degree in English and Creative Writing with a concentration on non-fiction with the intention of using the written word as an expansion of their yoga practice off the mat.
As a mental health advocate and someone who effortlessly flows against the current of societal norms, Chelsea’s work is geared towards human growth and acceptance through unique self-expression so that their audience can build on their overall well-being – void of any restrictions or limitations.
“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde