September 17th: A Supermoon & Partial Lunar Eclipse Happening In The Sign Of Pisces
Because I am both a spiritual yogi and a big fan of science, I believe both supply enough magic to keep me in awe of this life experience. So first things first - here's some logistics:
Supermoon is a non-astronomical term that describes a full moon that occurs when the moon is at or close to perigee, the closest approach to Earth in its slightly elliptical orbit. During these times, the moon can appear a bit larger in the sky, although the difference can be difficult to notice with the naked eye for most observers.
This year, September's Full Harvest Moon is the second of four consecutive supermoons, following August's Supermoon Blue Moon. Plus, this supermoon will be part of a partial lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses happen when Earth aligns between the sun and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon's surface.
If you want to nerd out more on the astronomy of this supermoon, here’s an excellent, easy-to-digest site for your reading pleasure:
Okay, Enough Astronomy - Time For Astrology
This Supermoon is in The Sign of PISCES

Pisces is a water sign known for its emotional sensitivity. And what comes with heightened senses, feelings, and emotional awareness? A stronger sense of creativity. By seeking outlets for emotions to be processed and experienced more freely, we can use our hobbies, passions, and yogic practices as tools for creative self-expression. Our goal is to feel. Rather than avoiding emotions, no matter how uncomfortable they can be, our creative outlets let us express feelings and give them the space and freedom to move - to flow.
Because Pisces is a more sensitive sign, it is a perfect reminder for us to cultivate empathy and practice compassion when engaging with others, whether it is our personal relationships or strangers on the street. We see through eyes that are prominently aware of the humanness in everyone. We know that everyone is experiencing their own set of emotions and is working through them the best they can.
How To Work With The Energy of a Supermoon:
Because this is a full moon, this is the perfect time to acknowledge at least one thing in your current life that is holding you back. Something that does not support your growth. This could be a bad habit that your moral compass has been nudging you to quit. It could also be a thought, a phrase, or a false narrative you keep feeding yourself while overindulging in self-criticism. A full moon is the halfway point in a moon cycle. Rather than setting new intentions, you should focus on letting go of what keeps you from sticking with previous intentions you’ve already been working with. Keeping your eyes on the prize - continuing along the path of being the best version of yourself - you have to take the time to stop and reflect so that you can release some of the weight you’ve picked up along the way and make the journey feel a bit lighter once again.
Autumn Equinox: Sunday, September 22nd
September's supermoon, also named the Harvest Moon, is the closest full moon to the Autumn Equinox. This year, they occur within the same week! Our official transition from summer to autumn will be six days following the full moon.
Back To The Cosmos: What Is The Equinox?
It’s a milestone in Earth’s orbit around the sun. At an equinox, the sun appears directly above Earth’s equator. At the September equinox, it’s crossing from north to south.
This means that on September 22nd, day and night are of equal length, and we will experience an equal amount of daylight and darkness.
If you want to know more on the astronomy of the equinox check it out;
Working With The Energy of The Autumn Equinox

Leaning into the art of transition with the energy of the supermoon and the symbolism of the equinox, we are encouraged to do the work necessary to achieve our goals and stay on track with our intentions. Remember what you're ready to let go of; what you know in your heart is not helping you. We are starting to slow down—little by little. With this change of pace, we can get clear on our obstacles and how to work through them compassionately.
Symbolism: Balance
How can you invite more balance into your days? We still have the lingering warmth of summer while also nearing closer to cooler weather. We are in a transitional phase where we are encouraged to embrace light and dark—the sun and heat of the day and the stillness of the night. Whatever you are working on in your job, home life, social life, or relationship with yourself, stay focused and stick with it, but give yourself the proper time to pause and sit with the progress already made. You don’t want to burn out and lose sight of the magic that exists within the process of change. Listen to your body; it will let you know when your energy is best spent digging into the work, getting your hands dirty, and when it is best spent in both mental and physical relaxation. Read your book, sip your tea, and indulge in rest. The beautiful thing about work and rest is that the latter is equally as productive as the former.
This is such a great reminder. I feel I’m always trying to achieve so much all of the time and I’m very go go go. and i forget that there are specific times along the moon phases that are best for reflection and best for action and new intentions. Tomorrow morning I’m taking the time to reflect on what it is that I believe is holding me back. And then allow for things to unfold as they should rather than having to control it all. I was not aware of this super moon and now I must say I’m SUPER excited to work with it! Thanks for this post ❤️
This is wonderful! It’s so important to remember that we humans are animals and we are nature. And just like all other parts of nature around this time, we should embrace the dark half of the year and strive for rest and winding down. Especially as we try to exist in a society/culture that demands constant productivity. That is against our nature and nature itself.